The Julian Alps: A Model for Transboundary Conservation and Sustainable Development
The Julian Alps, spanning the border between Slovenia and Italy, are a remarkable example of transboundary cooperation in biodiversity conservation. The interviews and focus group we organized with the main stakeholders in the area allowed the TRANSNATURE consortium to uncover the main characteristics of this transboundary cooperation.
Visitor's Guide to the Julian Alps Biosphere Area - summer (Summer 2024)
Information on organised public transport in the Triglav National Park and the Julian Alps Biosphere Area, guided tours, hints for excursions and tips for visiting.
The world under Triglav (Svet pod Triglavom) (Svet pod Triglavom 31)
The newspaper is aimed at residents, visitors, fans and supporters. It is free for park residents and available at Triglav National Park information centres.
Up to two issues a year are published.
The Triglav National Park wall calendar is thematically themed and represents the first 100 years of protection of the Julian Alps.
The price of the calendar is EUR 9.90 incl. VAT, and it can be purchased at all Triglav National Park information points. Discount applies for larger quantities.
The world under Triglav (Svet pod Triglavom) (Svet pod Triglavom 32)
The newspaper is aimed at residents, visitors, fans and supporters. It is free for park residents and available at Triglav National Park information centres.
Up to two issues a year are published.
Visitors' Guide to the Julian Alps Biosphere Area - winter (Winter 2023/2024)
In cooperation with the Julian Alps Community, the Triglav National Park Public Institute is preparing guides for visitors to the Julian Alps Biosphere Area. The magazine in Slovenian and English provides tips for excursions, useful information for visiting in winter, interesting facts about the animals of the Triglav National Park, ideas for winter hikes with detailed descriptions. The youngest children will also find it useful.
The magazine is available at all information points of the Triglav National Park and at the tourist offices of the Julian Alps Biosphere Area.
Phytosociological description of the dwarf mountain pine shrub community (Amelanchiero ovalis-Pinetum mugo) in the valleys of the Slovenian Alps
We have expanded our knowledge of the localities, sites and distribution of the Amelanchiero ovalis-Pinetum mugo association in the Slovenian Alps. Based on phytocenological analyses, the shrub association belonging to the forest vegetation type Alpine mountain pine scrub was divided into two subassociations: peucedanetosum oreoselini and hylocomiadelphetosum triquetri. We also described four variants within the latter association.
University of Ljubljana, Biotehniška fakulteta
Original scientific article
Document (PDF, DOC, ...)
Igor Dakskobler, Mateja Cojzer, Andrej Rozman
phytosociology, synsystematics, Pinus mugo, Natura 2000, Triglav National Park, Topla Landscape Park, Slovenia
Visitor's Guide to the Julian Alps Biosphere Area - summer (Summer 2023)
Information on organised public transport in the Triglav National Park and the Julian Alps Biosphere Area, guided tours, hints for excursions and tips for visiting.
The world under Triglav (Svet pod Triglavom) (Svet pod Triglavom 31)
The newspaper is aimed at residents, visitors, fans and supporters. It is free for park residents and available at Triglav National Park information centres.
Up to two issues a year are published.