18th International Wild Flower Festival

18th International Wild Flower Festival

In honour of Triglav National Park's anniversary, the International Wild Flower Festival is expanding its events to the entire area of the Julian Alps. Choose your botanical tour, floral menu, children's event, concert, exhibition, culinary workshop or class and join us for an exciting event celebrating the biodiversity of the Julian Alps!

This year, the meadows of Bohinj seem to have made a special effort to be dressed in the most festive floral colours as if they knew that the 18th International Wild Flower Festival is also paying tribute to the remarkable 100th anniversary of the signing of the agreement establishing the Alpine Conservation Park, the predecessor of Triglav National Park. With the support of the FRACTAL project, which promotes green infrastructure in urban and rural settlements in the Alps, we were able to bring this year's festival activities from the Bohinj valley across the whole of the Julian Alps. Together, we can build a more sustainable future where we can enjoy the magic of blooming meadows for many years to come.


More about the festival and full programme of events

Festival magazine

100th Anniversary of TNP


Cover photo: by Mojca Odar


24. 05. 2024 - 22. 06. 2024


Bohinj and Julian Alps

Children’s botanical walk What’s blooming there?

The colourful world of flowers inspires and delights many.

Together with Maja Fajdiga Komar, National Park bothanist, you willl find out why, which colours predominate and which plants they belong to with our youngest children. On a short walk, you will try to answer all these questions, as well as to catch and get to know some of the animals that hide among the colourful flowers.


– The workshop is free of charge
– Children under 6 years old should be accompanied by an adult.



! Registration is required at least one day before the event at info@bohinj.si 



*If the Zlatorog's Fairytale Land event is postponed on the day of the event (1 June 2024), it will be postponed to 6 June 2024 at 17:00.



01. 06. 2024


Center TNP Bohinj, Stara Fužina 38

Odprtje Pohodniške


01. 06. 2024


zborno mesto: parkirišče v Robiču

Sensory experiences in Juliana

Birds singing, leaves rustling, the murmur of the Soča River, the fragrance of carnations and daphnes, silky hairy leaves and prickly needles, the sweet taste of fruits and rhizomes, and attractive colours in every step.

During the guided tour, you will experience the Alpine botanical garden with all your senses. Guided tours at 11.00, 12.00 and 13.00. They are organised in the frame of the project Rendez-vous aux jardins.



The entrance fee to Juliana according to the price list, while guided tours are free.







01. 06. 2024


Alpine Botanical Garden Juliana in Trenta

Cooking art From Bohinj

Do you want to get to know Bohinj through its cuisine?

Traditional dishes, intertwined with local ingredients, flirt with haute cuisine under expert guidance. You will be happy to use the recipes found in Bohinj’s rich culinary heritage, which have been expertly adapted to modern tastes, in your everyday kitchen.


It is always a challenge for us to participate in the International Alpine Flower Festival. Cooking art From Bohinj is led by member of the Rural Women Association, Katica Mikelj, who selflessly gives her knowledge and more than 30 years of experience in the catering industry to students and other participants. She thoroughly enjoys sharing her knowledge and experience, as evidenced by the positive feedback from course participants.


The cost of the 3-hour workshop is €25.00 per person.

The price includes:
– ingredients
– preparation and implementation of the workshop


Buy tickets online





03. 06. 2024


Center TNP Bohinj, Stara Fužina

Pomen naravoslovne fotografije za varstvo TRIGLAVSKEGA NARODNEGA PARKA in nastop moškega pevskega zbora Franc Urbanc


06. 06. 2024


Zoisova graščina na Gorjušah

Medalpski sporazum o zeleni infrastrukturi, delavnica o izboljšanju pogojev za biotsko pestrost v alpskih naseljih


07. 06. 2024


Infocenter Triglavska roža Bled

V Kraljstvu Zlatoroga, prvi slovenski nemi celovečerni film


07. 06. 2024


Kinogledališče Tolmin

Constructive Alps, opening of the exhibition and an interview with the Karničars from the Homestead Šenk in Jezersko

Join us at the opening of the exhibition of the Constructive Alps Prize for sustainable architectural renovation and construction projects in the Alps. At the opening, we will be discussing the trajectory of renovation with the Karničars whose Homestead Šenk in Zgornje Jezersko won a special mention in the last round of the competition. We will also be joined by guest speaker Maruša Zorec, a member of the Constructive Alps award jury. Two projects nominated for the award were from Bohinj.

The 6th Constructive Alps architecture prize competition in 2022 was particularly fruitful for Slovenia, as three Slovenian projects were shortlisted among a total of 31 projects. We are presenting the exhibition this year as Triglav National Park and Slovenian nature conservation celebrate 100 years since the establishment of the "Alpine Conservation Park", and Slovenia also holds the presidency of the Alpine Convention.

The exhibition will showcase the award-winning and nominated projects and demonstrate the many facets of sustainable architecture - shaping the identity of places and creating spaces that make people feel good. The Constructive Alps travelling exhibition features examples of best practice in sustainable architecture that have been nominated for the architecture prize.

Thirty exhibits reveal the experts' view, while also highlighting the users' perspective on the built and renovated residential houses, kindergartens, leisure facilities and community structures. Many projects emphasise the importance of communal living and focus on the social dimension of architecture.

Among the awarded projects was the renovation of Homestead Šenk in Jezersko, while the nominated projects included Hotel Bohinj and the wooden pedestrian and bicycle bridge titled Brv na Rju.

During the opening of the exhibition, architect Maruša Zorec, a member of the international jury of experts, will talk about the exhibition and we will also talk to the Karničar family, the owners of Homestead Šenk in Zgornje Jezersko.


07. 06. 2024 - 07. 07. 2024


Stara Fužina Community Centre, Bohinj

Guided tour of the renovated part of the Pokljuka Trail at Mrzli studenec

You are invited to a guided tour along the renovated part of the Pokljuka Trail at Mrzli studenec with Andrej Arih from JZ TNP.

 – the event is free of charge!


! Registration is required at least 1 day before the event by 12.00 at info@bohinj.si



In the project VrH Julijcev, the Triglav National Park Public Institution in 2023 established, among other things, an outdoor information point at Mrzli studenec and a short section of the existing Pokljuka Trail in the form of a return loop.


The redesigned park trail will thus lead from Mrzli studenec through spruce forests to the edge of Grajska planina and Bled Moor, which interrupt the dense forest area of the Pokljuka plateau. We will continue westwards along the edge of the high moorland, which is not accessible due to its vulnerability. Visitors are warned of the latter by information and marking boards along the route, and access to the sensitive bog area is also prevented by a wooden fence. The Pokljuka Trail will continue to lead us to the national road, which we will not cross, but we will follow a newly laid out section of the trail through the forest back to Mrzli studenec.


Along the way, we will learn about the characteristics and all-round importance of the forests of Pokljuka, get to know the mysterious kingdom of fungi, and return to our starting point at Mrzli studenec, passing the remains of the Saxon line from the First World War.





08. 06. 2024


Mrzli studenec, Pokljuka

V Kraljstvu Zlatoroga, prvi slovenski nemi celovečerni film


11. 06. 2024


Trg pred cerkvijo v Kranjski Gori

Guided tour of the Goreljek Bog (VrH Julijcev project)

In Slovenia, bogs are a very rare and vulnerable habitat.

From a biological and ecological point of view, they are very interesting and unique. They are constantly growing and support plants that are found nowhere else. The most important are the various species of peat mosses, but we can also observe the small carnivorous sundew, rosemary, knife-edged muhly, hairy moss, bog coppice and others. The Pokljuka Marshes are the most southerly marshes still preserved in Europe. A visit to the recently renovated Goreljek peat bog trail will shed light on many interesting facts you may not have known before. The trail is circular, approximately one kilometre long and has five learning points with information boards.



– Duration: 3 hours
– Difficulty: easy
– Location: Goreljek
– Price: free
– Equipment: hiking shoes and clothing, rucksack, sun protection and benches, snacks and refreshments



! Registration is required at least one day before the guided hike at info@bohinj.si



13. 06. 2024


Goreljek 93, Podjelje 4247

Odprtje sezone na Pocarjevi domačiji in Mednarodni dan muzejev


18. 05. 2024


Pocarjeva domačija v Zgornji Radovni

International Museum Day and Fascination of Plants Day

Free admission to Juliana!

Juliana Alpine Botanical Garden is a non-residential unit of the Slovenian Museum of Natural History, where you can observe a living collection of plants characteristic of Slovenia, particularly its alpine and karst world. In 1977, the International Museum Council ICOM designated May 18 as International Museum Day. Furthermore, the European Plant Science Organization (EPSO) marked May 18 as Fascination of Plants Day. You can observe fascinating plants in Juliana, too!



On this day, admission to the garden is free of charge. Also some events will take place in the garden: birdwatching and guided tours. Check them out!





18. 05. 2024


Alpine Botanical Garden Juliana in Trenta

2. posvet: “Izzivi trajnostnega razvoja zavarovanih območij narave, kako jih nasloviti v praksi?”


24. 05. 2024


Bohinj ECO Hotel, Bohinjska Bistrica

At the end of the world, where fairy tales are at home – Golden Horn’s Fairytale Trail

Where is the end of the world and what is the Golden Horn’s Fairytale Trail?

Along the fairy trail in Ukanc, you will find characters from local fairy tales. There are seven in Ukanc on the 2 km circular route, one in the car park at the Ukanc/Vogel/Slap Savica junction and another at the entrance to the Savica waterfall.


This is an unique event. It is something special. It takes place on a two-kilometre-long trail that leads you along the river, through the forest, across meadows and past Lake Bohinj. It’s quiet here all year round, with only the seven heroes of the Bohinj fairy tales waiting for you with their wooden playgrounds. But the “fairytale” weekend is lively, with around 30 stops along the way – around 30 opportunities for children to move, play, learn, create or just develop their senses.


When entering the fairytale trail, children are given a booklet of fairytale creatures and 9 stickers to stick and colour in the booklet.


An adult can walk the route in half an hour, but it is certainly not possible to experience everything in one day with children, even though the event starts at 9:30 and finishes at 14:00 every day. Come – learn new skills and take home good memories.



– 2,00 € per person
– children under 2 years: free
– GRATIS! All children up to 14. years receive a booklet and stickers of fairy tale characters


How to get to the event?

All our visitors are kindly asked to come to the event by public transport and take advantage of the weekend discount (-75% of the ticket price).



You can arrive in Bohinjska Bistrica from Jesenice/Ljubljana direction or from Nova Gorica direction by morning train and then continue your journey by free organised transport. Timetable.



For all visitors who would like to travel by bus, there is a shuttle bus service from Ljubljana. Timetable.



An additional boat trip will be organized at 8.30 am from Ribčev Laz.
Children up to 14 years of age can ride for free and also get the Golden Horn Fairytrail BOOK!
Adult companions can get transport to and from the event at a promotional price of -40%.


Free transport from Bohinjska Bistrica:

In case of bad weather, the event will be postponed to the following weekend, Saturday 1.6.2024!



25. 05. 2024


Ukanc, Lake Bohinj