e is
e is a project that wants Europe.
A Europe that already exists and which, at the same time, still has to be built.
e is a travelling performance, On the Paths of Europe, which rediscovers Europe from the margins, there where it most belongs.
e is a research journey between waters, borders, conflicts, traditions and estrangements.
e is, last but not least, all the voices that arise to talk about Europe: the desires, the hopes, the future of a real utopia – an EUtopia.
Tuesday, 9 July will be as follows:
18:00 meeting at Dom Trenta - Trenta 31, 5232 Trenta; own transport to the Little Troughs of the Soča River - Soča38, 5232 Soča (return drivers to the car park at the Little Troughs).
18:30 exploration of the upper reaches of the Soča River, led by Marko Pretner; departure from the Little Troughs of the Soča and arrival at the Dom Trenta
21:00 local community banquet at Dom Trenta
21:30 start of the show in front of Dom Trenta
Participation is free and no reservation is required. For more information, please visit the website: https://eforeurope.eu/en/trenta