Online tools such as the Triglav Treasury are an increasingly important component of efficient education and awareness raising activities.
The Triglav Treasury is a web platform with e-learning contents about Triglav National Park and the Julian Alps Biosphere Reserve that offers several levels of access to papers, articles, interactive learning content and worksheets for the general public, pupils and in particular for teachers who use the platform as a source of teaching materials for classroom and field work.
Constantly upgraded with new contents, the platform includes materials concerning the nature and cultural heritage of the Julian Alps, as well as interesting information about all Slovenian biosphere reserves, the effects of climate change which are more expressed in the Alpine space than in other parts of Slovenia and Europe, and other entertaining and educational topics.
It was created within part of the LIFE NATURAVIVA - Biodiversity Art of Living project.
It is designed to carry out educational activities in the field of biodiversity conservation and to raise awareness of the National Park among the general public.
The visual image and usability of the Triglav Treasury is adapted to sensitive user groups, and the learning content is aligned with the applicable curriculum.