
The consent of the JZ TNP must be obtained before canyoning is carried out. It is necessary to ensure the presence of a wild water rescuer in the group in case canyoning activities are carried out for commercial purposes. A maximum of 9 canyoneers (including the guide) may be in a group.

The use of the registration application is mandatory for canyoning in the Fratarica and Predelica gorges in Log pod Mangsrtom and Jerečica in Bohinj. Access to the application is granted after approved consent of JZ TNP. For canyoning in the Fratarica and Predelica canyons, a fee for the use of the canyoning infrastructure per person (3 EUR/person) must be paid through the application.  

The rules for canyoning in the Fratarica and Predelica canyons in Log pod Mangsrtom are more specifically defined by the Ministerial Decrees on the restriction of visits, published in the Official Gazette (No 19/24):

Odredba o omejitvah obiskovanja in ogledovanja naravne vrednote Fratarica

Odredba o omejitvah obiskovanja in ogledovanja naravne vrednote Predilnica

Find out more about canyoning by location:



Access: the existing marked path to the Parabola waterfall and further along the path to the Fratarica riverbed.

Entry point: at an altitude of 810 m

Exit point: confluence of the Fratarica and Koritnica rivers at 630 m above sea level


15 April - 31 October, in accordance with the Decree


What do I need?

Consent of JZ TNP

  • access to the web app; 
  • the fee paid (€3/person).   
Time period Entry hours Max group size Maximum number of canyoners
15 April - 14 May 9.00 - 12.00 9 40
15 May - 14 June 8.00 - 14.00 9 70
15 June - 14 September 8.00 - 17.00 9 110
15 September - 31 October 9.00 - 15.00 9 70

Predelica - upper part


Access: the existing marked path from the Predel - Bovec road at the bridge over the 'Mangartski potok' down to the Predelica riverbed

Entry point: only at the " Smaragdno oko " stream pool at an altitude of 1040 m

Exit point: confluence with the Mangart Stream/Potok at an altitude of 910 m


15 April - 31 October, in accordance with Decree


What do I need?

Consent of JZ TNP

  • access to the web app; 
  • the fee paid (€3/person).
The restrictions set out in the Decrees are shown in the table below:
Time period Entry hours Max group size Maximum number of canyoners
15 April - 14 May 9.00 - 12.00 9 40
15 May - 14 June 8.00 - 14.00 9 70
15 June - 14 September 8.00 - 17.00 9 110
15 September - 31 October 9.00 - 15.00 9 70

Predelica - lower part


Access point: the existing signposted path from the Predel - Bovec road at the bridge over the 'Mangartski potok' down its left bank to the Predelica riverbed

Entry point: confluence with the Mangart Stream/potok at an altitude of 910 m

Exit point: at the bridge over the Predelica 'River' in Log pod Mangartom at an altitude of 650 m



15 April - 31 October, in accordance with Decree


What do I need?

Consent of JZ TNP

  • access to the web app; 
  • the fee paid (€3/person).
The restrictions in the decrees are shown in the table below:
Time period Entry hours Max group size Maximum number of canyoners
15 April - 14 May     9.00 - 12.00 9 20
15 May - 14 June 8.00 - 14.00 9 35
15 June - 14 September 8.00 - 17.00 9 55
15 September - 31 October 9.00 - 15.00 9 35



Access point: the track from the chapel at Podjelje to the Jerečice riverbed, or the forest track from the sandpit in Jereka.

Entry point 1: at an altitude of approximately 870 m above sea level.  

Entry point 2: below the dam of the small hydroelectric power plant at an altitude of 770 m above sea level. 

Entry point 3: at an altitude 715 m above sea level, where the track crosses the Jerečica River.

Exit point: at the Jereka sand pit, at an altitude of approximately 660 metres above sea level.


During the day (night canyoning is prohibited).

15 March - 31 October. 


What do I need?

Consent of JZ TNP

  • access to the web app; 


Tourist, sporting and recreational activities on watercourses and standing waters other than fishing under the rules governing freshwater fisheries

National Park First and Second Conservation  Area 

Swimming, diving, boating and other recreational activities on lakes and watercourses are expressly prohibited in the first and second protection zones. The exception in the second protection zone is the area of Lake Bohinj and its surroundings, where swimming, diving, ice-skating, boating and sailing are allowed.

National Park Third Conservation Area

In the third conservation area of the Triglav National Park, tourist, sport or recreational activities are allowed on watercourses and standing waters, in designated places and with the consent of the national park manager. Fishing under the regulations governing freshwater fisheries does not require the consent of the National Park Authority.

The criteria for granting consent for tourist, sporting and recreational activities on watercourses and standing waters in the National Park, other than fishing under the regulations governing freshwater fisheries, are, in particular:

  • the provision of safe drinking water takes precedence over the pursuit of tourism, sport and recreational activities on watercourses and still waters; -
  • the locations of the individual activities on watercourses and standing waters shall be determined by agreement;
  • the consent shall specify the timing of activities on watercourses (months, part of the day, etc.);
  • the consent shall set out other restrictions on the activities (e.g. the flow of the watercourse at which the activities are allowed, the size of the vessel, mandatory prior notification of the activity to the public authority, etc.);
  • the activities shall use existing infrastructure and installations on the water and coastal land (e.g. existing anchorages, pegs, access routes, etc.); no new installations shall be allowed;
  • the quality and quantity of water, the speed of flow, the spatial and temporal distribution of water, the direction of water flow, the visual appearance (e.g. by removing rocks, riparian vegetation, etc.) may not be altered as a result of the activity;
  • when carrying out the activity, participants should avoid walking on standing or slow-moving water, muddying the water, walking on vegetation in and along the watercourse, moving rocks;
  • entering natural cavities and caves on/near watercourses is not allowed;
  • the activities must not cause excessive noise pollution or disturbance to animals;
  • the introduction and removal of fish and other wildlife from the wild is not allowed;
  • no dumping of waste materials on/near watercourses, stagnant water and car parks; any waste must be disposed of in designated areas;
  • vehicles of participants or operators must be parked in designated parking areas; parking in the natural environment is not allowed;
  • operators must carry out the activity in accordance with the applicable national or international norms and standards.


The Public Institution Triglav National Park (JZ TNP) has prepared a registration application for organized and guided canyoning in the Fratarica and Predelica canyons in Log pod Mangratom for the 2023 canyoning season, and continues to use it in the 2025 canyoning season, during which the use of the registration application is also mandatory for canyoning in the Jerečica canyon.

The use of the registration application is mandatory for canyoning in these three canyons. Access to the application is granted after approved consent of JZ TNP. For canyoning in the Fratarica and Predelica canyons, a fee for the use of the canyoning infrastructure per person (3 EUR/person) must be paid through the application.

The consent of the JZ TNP for canyoning in the Fratarica, Predelica and Jerečica canyons must be obtained before canyoning is carried out. It is necessary to ensure the presence of a wild water rescuer in the group in case canyoning activities are carried out for commercial purposes. The group can have a maximum of 9 canyoneers (including the guide).

For more information on the 2025 canyoning season in the Fratarica and Predelica canyons in Log pod Mangrtom and the Jerečica canyon in Bohinj:


Link for consent to carry out tourist, sporting or recreational activities on watercourses and standing waters other than fishing under the rules governing freshwater fisheries

Details on water sports in Triglav National Park



Phone: +386 (04)/5780-200


Marjeta Albinini

Phone: +386 (05)/3891-076
