

Strokovna ekskurzija za strokovne sodelavce šol BOJA v Narodni park Visoke Ture


Nagrade v nagradni igri za trajnostni obisk Triglavskega narodnega parka podeljene


Triglavski narodni park letos dobiva 17 obnovljenih kalov in označitev mirnih območij za obiskovalce


Prva skupna sejemska predstavitev vseh štirih biosfernih območij v Sloveniji


Ob 60. obletnici filma o Kekcu


Nabiranje semen v projektu LIFE FOR SEEDS


Nagradna igra: »Z DRAJV-om do doživetij v Triglavskem narodnem parku«


Stenski koledar Prvih 100 letnici varstva Julijskih Alp


Getting to know the Julian Alps Biosphere Reserve


Cross-border cooperation between parks also active in summer


Integration of the Triglav National Park electric vehicle into the park's local community and opening of the Mangrt Learning Trail

Yesterday, in Log pod Mangrtom, representatives of the Triglav National Park Public Institution ceremonially handed over an electric vehicle to the Municipality of Bovec. The first vehicle of its kind will be used for transport in the local community. It will contribute to traffic mitigation and, consequently, to climate change mitigation. The opening of the Mangrt Educational Trail at the Mangrt saddle was followed by a guided tour of the Mangrt Educational Trail, which was accompanied by rich descriptions of the trail's contents by the Institute's employees and others involved in its creation and development.


Our Nature Conservation Officer enlivens the Young Explorers' Camp

Our staff are happy to participate in educational activities for all generations, not only those organised by our institution, but also others. For example, our Nature Conservation Officer Zvonko Kravanja, Head of the Trenta Department, enriched the Young Explorers' Camp in Lepena.