

Young Rangers return from camp

Experiences, getting to know the Triglav National Park and its people, and weaving new bonds are just some of the details from this year's Young Supervisors' Camp, which took place on Planina pri jezero.


How did they used to manage the botanical diversity of the Triglav National Park?

In the face of changing weather conditions and after a period of successive storms that prevented many hikes in the Triglav National Park, we would like to highlight the botanical diversity of this area, which is safe to get to know better these days.


Mowing and provision of green mulch (LIFE FOR SEEDS project)

The LIFE FOR SEEDS project team, which also includes the staff of the Triglav National Park, spends most of the summer on the meadows, as the restoration of the meadows is in full swing. This time we describe the production of green mulch and its importance for meadow restoration.


Restoration of the information point at Mrzle studeniec in Pokljuka

The Triglav National Park hereby informs that from 24 July 2023, the information point at Mrzle studenec in Pokljuka will be renovated. It will not be available for use during the works.


Mednarodni festival Alpskega cvetja v znamenju medovitih rastlin


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